NAVITEL MS700 is a personal navigation device with a wide 7" touch screen. All the preinstalled maps are offline, which means stable and quick route building for every trip. Complex traffic junctions are shown in 3D so you will never miss an exit on a motorway again. Voice prompts in multiple languages are supported.
Navitel Navigator software offers turn-by-turn voice directions and visual prompts to help you stay focused on driving. The user will be informed if they are exceeding the speed limit or approaching a traffic control camera.
The device includes a license for 47 maps, some of which are already loaded on the device. You can update the list of maps you need, remove unused ones, and install the necessary ones, as well as update the installed ones, using the Navitel Navigator Update Center program. To store map updates, as well as record trip tracks, may be required to install an SDcard*.
*Not included.
NAVITEL MS700-ile on eelsalvestatud 47 riigi kaardid, sh detailsed kaardid kõigist Euroopa riikidest, Valgevenest (Belarus), Kasahstanist (Kazakhstan) ja ülejäänud Euroopast. Kokku on kaartidele paigutatud 5 miljardit huviväärsust.